Below is the SF Valley Market Report for November 2015 detailing local real estate market statistics and including year-over-year data:
SF Valley
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Below is the SF Valley Market Report for November 2015 detailing local real estate market statistics and including year-over-year data:
SF Valley
When Rodeo Realty Agent, Cheryl Acrey was notified that she was being featured in the Smithsonian magazine, she was uncertain of what to expect. Upon flipping open the pages she was surprised to see a younger photo of herself from her days as a Pan Am flight attendant. However, the text under the photo caught her eye, which was juxtaposing her smile to the famed Mona Lisa, or as the magazine summed it up, “ the fake Pan Am smile.” Luckily, Cheryl was not going to let the comparison make her feel bad about her previous profession, and was able to find a silver lining to it; Cheryl had this to say, “I now will be using the “Pan Am” smile reference as a marketing tool.” Getting your name out in our business is great, but being known by your smile, even better. Kudos to Cheryl Acrey and her “Pan Am” smile.
Earlier this month the Rodeo Realty, Northridge office adopted 3 families in need, Teresa Todd, Branch Manager had this to say, “The response this year was overwhelming!” The Northridge office has been involved with Hathaway-Sycamore “Adopt-A-Family” program for the past 8 years, which helps assist those working in the mental health and welfare fields for the last 112 years.
This year, the needs ranged from holiday dinners to decorated Christmas trees, and toys for the kids. Teresa went on to say, “One of the families did not have bedroom furniture, and a representative from LA Mortgage was able to donate a bed for the family.”
Thank you for the tremendous support, and a big thank you to all that participated this year.
The Northridge office was nice enough to provide information about the families adopted this year, which you can see below.
Kathy Smiley hosted her “Big Brothers, Big Sisters ‘BIG STUFF’ Holiday Event” at the Westlake Village Rodeo Realty office, and from the looks of it the event was a great success! Kathy advertised the charity by sending out over 350 postcards to her farm and sphere; in addition she placed a notice on the front page of the Acorn real estate section, as well as posted fliers on Facebook and emailing e-cards. However, Kathy wanted a personal touch and went door-to-door within the 3-building office complex and personally met the business people in the area, and luckily many of them brought donations. The two-day event started Friday, Dec 11 and ended Saturday Dec 12 at 3:00 PM. The truck was positioned in the Rodeo Realty parking lot at 100 N. Westlake Blvd. with signs and flags displayed on both Westlake Blvd and Thousand Oaks Blvd. Kathy estimated the value of the donation portion to “Big Brothers Big Sisters” to be around $750 – not bad for the first annual Westlake Village Rodeo Realty BBBS event. Congrats Kathy on a great turnout!
Calabasas Rodeo Realty agent, Ioanna Kamar held her annual fundraiser “Comfort for Court Kids” at her home in Bell Canyon. This year’s fundraiser was held on December 10th, 2015 and from the looks of the photos was a fabulous turnout; the event was able to bring in $7,500 in charity donations. Thank you to all the agents that showed up to make this cause a success! “Comfort For Court Kids” provides emotional support for children under the jurisdiction of the dependency court. The ‘Teddy Bear’ is the symbol for the charity, and has long been associated with assisting these children in feeling safe, secure and to once again form stable bonds with those around them. “Comfort for Court Kids” is a 501 (c)(3) publicly supported charity founded in 1992 by attorney L. Ernestine Fields. It was done so for the specific mission of helping abused and neglected children cope with their experiences in dependency court. Ioanna stated not only was there food, fun and festivities, but the turnout and success of the fundraiser helped to assist children under the supervision of the court. At this time of year it is a pivotal program, since many of these youths want/need the extra attention during this troubling time in their lives.
Toluca Lake compound that once belonged to jazz trumpeter Manny Klein is for sale at $2.795 million.
The property previously sold for $1.315 million two years ago and fetched $410,000 back in 1997.
The 1939 brick house and detached guesthouse sit on more than half an acre. The 2,378-square-foot main house features a family room with a built-in bar, four bedrooms, three remodeled bathrooms, a vintage kitchen, restored tile flooring and refinished parquet wood flooring.
Rodeo Realty agent Allyson Carter has the listing.
Article Courtesy of the LA Times
Kathy Smiley’s Westlake Village Rodeo Realty Big Brothers, Big Sisters “BIG STUFF” Holiday Event was a great success! Kathy sent out 350 postcards to her farm and sphere; placed a notice on the front page of the Acorn real estate section; posted on facebook and sent ecards! Kathy went door-to-door within the 3-building complex and personally met many of the business people in the area. Many of them brought donations.The two day event started Friday, Dec 11 and ended Saturday Dec 12 at 3:00 PM. The truck was positioned in the Rodeo Realty parking lot at 100 N. Westlake Blvd. Signs and flags were displayed on both Westlake Blvd and Thousand Oaks Blvd. Kathy estimates the value of the donation portion to Big Brothers Big Sisters to be around $750 – not bad for the first annual Westlake Village Rodeo Realty BBBS event! Congrats Kathy on a great turnout!
Carmen Mormino of Rodeo Realty held his 2nd annual “Holiday Clothing/Toy Drive” on December 13th in Westlake Village. All donations were dispersed to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, along with shelters in the area. Carmen reports over 50 people donated toys to the cause, and their support is greatly appreciated. Prior to the event, Carmen encouraged participants to donate items like clothing and/or toys to help those in need this holiday season. ”I know, as a community, how fortunate we all are to live where we live, and live the life we do. I feel that by doing this, we can possibly make this holiday a bit better for those in need.” Last year, the inaugural drive generated an overwhelming amount of donations, but luckily the chilly weather did not stop those from coming out to support Carmen and his cause. Carmen, his wife Mary Lee, and daughters Mia and Lola made it even more of a festive turnout by having fresh baked cookies, coffee from Starbucks, and piping hot chocolate for patrons. Carmen added, “The weather made it all the more special, and truly brought out the holiday spirit in all!”
Cheryl Acrey, Studio City agent and former “Pan Am” flight attendant was astounded to see that her photo was being used as an example for her smile. The article on the psychology of smiling discussed different smiles of communication, and Acrey’s smile was noted as the “Fake Pan Am” smile.” Ironically, this is the same smile Cheryl was born with. The article pointed out that you will seem more trustworthy and have credibility if you simply smile more. What could be easier than that? Although the article was stating, “Is it the “Fake PAN AM smile” that will conquer the business world or the grimace of the Mona Lisa, Acrey states,”HER smile will now be her marketing tool! With article in hand and the “Pan Am” smile on her face, Cheryl is getting her name out in the real estate business one smile at a time.” Kudos to Cheryl Acrey and her “Pan Am” smile.
On December 10th, 2015 Rodeo Realty agents attended Calabasas agent, Ioanna Kamars annual fundraiser to benefit “Comfort for Court Kids.” The evening event took place at the home of Ioanna in beautiful Bell Canyon. The charity event started at 5:00 PM and ended at 10:00 PM. Ioanna stated, “The event brought in an undisclosed amount in donations for this amazing charity.” “Comfort for Court Kids” was established in 1992 for the specific mission of helping abused and neglected children. According to a spoksperson at the organization, “We have at times been referred to as the Teddy Bear Foundation. Part of this generous donation will go to purchase bears for our children.” The event brought in over 50 agents! Ioanna sends a big thank you to all that attended.