The property even recently appeared in L.A. Times Hot Properties section:
Bird Rock has been used as the location for several movie settings and more recently as the subject of a TV production series hosted by Huell Howser, entitled “California’s Gold”, “A search for California’s rich history and natural wonders”. The waters surrounding the island are a marine paradise.
With proper building permits and approvals the Bird Rock may lend itself nicely to certain “easy on the environment” projects such as a yacht club, scuba dive school or other developments with water related activities. It’s under the jurisdiction of LA County.
The zoning is unclassified according to Los Angeles County planning. Due to the island’s proximity to other land masses, schools or other developments, the regular permit process of notifying property owners within a certain radius may not apply.
The nearest land is Catalina’s Two Harbors area, which is zoned MXD (Mixed – Use Development) and R–R (Resort & Recreational). For more information contact Bud Mauro or Susan Miller @ (818) 363.4997 or e-mail BudMauro1@aol.com or info@SusanMiller4Homes.com.