Rodeo Realty Beverly Hills- H.O.M.E. (Helping Others Means Everything) Project consists of a group of agents from Rodeo Realty’s Beverly Hills office who are working together to build a strong philanthropic presence in the Beverly Hills community and beyond. The group organizes and leads charitable activities to benefit local non-profit organizations.
In December, Beverly Hills H.O.M.E. members donated food, prepared and served dinner for approximately 25 transitional homeless at PATH’s Westside center. The past project completed with the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA), where Rodeo Agents collected and donated clothing and toys for the homeless. Their next monthly service project will be held on February 17th at the Sunrise Living Complex at 3:30 with a one-hour long musical benefit show for the elderly. The event will be held at 201 North Crescent Drive Sunrise Home. The committee meets every Thursday at the Beverly Hills office and partakes in coordinating and implementing one service project per month.