Rodeo Realty’s Beverly Hills agent Josh Flagg fronts the cover of The Four Hundred


The Fourhundred has unveiled its newest Residence issue for this month, which features Rodeo Realty agent Josh Flagg.

The monthly culture and lifestyle magazine believes the empowerment of the youthful, being through media platforms, is what centrally drives society and they consider the Beverly Hills agent a foolproof example.

“Having taken a job that was not considered a media worthy career, at the time, and developing it into a television series, with Flagg in the limelight, we were able to watch the development of his influential capabilities,” said the article.

The Fourhundred mentions Flagg’s continual real estate and TV growth and how that, along with his personal persuasive abilities, are displayed through various media platforms.

“Social media is a crucial marketing tool,” Flagg tells The Fourhundred. “If you’re not doing it, you’re doing something wrong.”

Aside from mentioning his social media presence, the magazine also spoke about Flagg’s luxurious and elegant lifestyle, his collection for rare automobiles and his love for fine art.

“His eye for architecture, home design and fashion united with his professional attitude makes him an ideal broker that fully embodies the affluent real estate lifestyle,” said the article.

The newest issue, which features Flagg, is available on iTunes App Store. To download the app and read the entire article, click HERE