Syd Leibovitch recognized as one of the most influential and powerful people in residential real estate.
The 2019 Swanepoel Power 200 list is out and Rodeo Realty’s President, Syd Leibovitch, is once again recognized as one of the most powerful people in the residential real estate brokerage industry!
Out of hundreds who were considered, Syd Leibovitch was one of 200 who made it onto the SP200 list.

“The SP200 is based on a great deal of research,” said Stefan Swanepoel, Editor-in-Chief of the Swanepoel Power 200. “We send hundreds of requests for additional information, personally verifying announcements, stats and actions that took place over the past year.”
The 2019 SP200 ranks Syd Leibovitch at #108 among the 200 recognized.
“Rodeo Realty founder Leibovitch heads one of the leading residential real estate firms in Los Angeles and Ventura counties with nearly 1,000 agents in 12 offices who do $5.2 billion in annual sales,” said the SP200.