There’s no wrong way to decorate for the holidays, but having some tips from the best and the brightest tastemakers can definitely help you bring the joy home in style. We asked some of our favorite interior designers how they spruce up their homes for the holidays and where they find inspiration so you can follow their very stylish leads. Ahead, discover how these decorators deck their halls for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and even just general winter cheer.
Incorporate family memories.

“My mother always decorated our house with natural greenery, flowers, and branches, and I’ve continued to do that as I build memories for my own children and grandchildren,” says Dallas designer, Laura Wilson.
Always start fresh.

“My usual first step is to completely discard any idea that I’ve used before,” says designer Scot Meacham Wood. That way, each year is new and exciting. He even goes as far as putting the tree in a totally different room each year.
Remember scents are important.

Smell plays an important part of the season, which is why designer Frank Bostelmann says not to underestimate it. “Nothing gets that feeling going quicker than a bowl full of clove pierced oranges,” he says. Or try a mulled wine with cinnamon. Shucks.
Go crazy with garland.

Garlands are designer CeCe Barfield Thompson’s go-to decoration. “They don’t take up much space and can be used in a number of ways that are child-friendly,” she says. Her favorite? Magnolia leaves. “I use two and tie them together at the top of my mirror so that they look like one large garland.”
Honor the style of your home.

“An antique home is the perfect backdrop for classic decorations. I weave together fir, cedar, white pine, and boxwood for a door garland, hang matching window wreaths, and fill the holly with white lights,” says designer Lisa Hilderbrand of Connecticut