Newest House of Cards Star Has Rodeo Realty Connection

MV5BMTk4MDcyNzM0MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTg4MTAyMTE@._V1_SX214_CR0,0,214,317_Many people across the country spent Presidents Day weekend (and Valentine’s Day) glued to their televisions binge-watching House of Cards. The whole second season of the popular series was released on Netflix on February 14, prompting many people to skip the hearts and flowers and stay in for the machinations of the Underwoods instead. Early reports indicate that the Netflix saw a huge bump in viewing associated with the show.

At Rodeo Realty we were particularly interested to watch to see Mozhan Marnò who plays Ayla Sayyad, the tenacious journalist for the Washington Telegraph determined to get to the bottom of the Underwood secrets. Mozhan is the daughter of Rodeo Realty’s own Sophie Dabestani. Her daughter has appeared on many TV series before but there’s something special about appearing on a program that had everyone glued to their televisions all weekend long. Congrats to Sophie and Mozhan!