Summer Gardening: What to Plant in June

Gardening enthusiasts know that with each changing season, a new set of gardening duties is welcomed. As we transition into the summer months, particularly June, it’s time to reconsider our planting choices and look toward the thriving possibilities this sunny season brings. This ultimate guide to gardening provides you with essential knowledge about what to plant in June and how to take care of your garden during the hotter months. So, pull on your gardening gloves, and let’s dig in!

Fruits and Vegetables

June is a fantastic month to start planting heat-loving vegetables and fruits. Here are some top choices:


These are summer’s star fruit and thrive in the warmer months. Ensure they receive at least six hours of sunlight daily.


Perfect for salads and pickling, cucumbers are easy to grow and love the heat of summer.

Zucchini and Summer Squash:

These plants grow quickly and provide abundant produce throughout the summer.


Whether you love bell peppers or jalapenos, June is a great time to plant these heat-loving plants.


Both pole beans and bush beans can be planted in June. They’re a great addition to the summer garden and quite prolific.


If you have space, consider planting watermelons or cantaloupes. These fruits are summer staples and love the heat.


Herbs add a lot to any garden, not just in terms of their culinary benefits but also their aesthetic and aromatic qualities. In June, consider planting:


An absolute summer favorite, basil loves the heat and can be used in everything from pesto to salads.


This hardy herb can withstand a lot of summer heat and still maintain its vibrant flavor.


If you’re a fan of this herb’s distinctive flavor, plant it in succession throughout the summer to ensure a constant supply.

Rosemary and Thyme:

These perennials love the summer heat and are excellent for seasoning a variety of dishes.



Adding a splash of color to your summer garden, consider these vibrant beauties:


These bright, cheerful flowers are easy to care for and do well in sunny conditions. Plus, they’re known to deter pests!


These are a summer favorite and come in a variety of beautiful colors.


These towering beauties thrive in the sunny days of June and onwards.


These lovely flowers are drought-resistant and love full sun exposure, making them perfect for the summer garden.

Coneflowers (Echinacea):

These sturdy and attractive flowers not only add beauty but also attract beneficial insects and birds to your garden.

Remember, gardening is not just about planting; it’s also about maintaining. Ensure your plants have enough water but avoid overwatering, which can be just as harmful. Mulch your plants to retain moisture and regulate soil temperature. Most importantly, monitor your garden for pests and diseases, treating issues early before they can harm your plants.

Happy gardening!