Whether you work full-time from home or spend some days in the office and others working from home, a good home office encourages productivity. It can be hard at times to separate work from leisure when working at home, but the best home offices help you get your head right into work mode.
As well as having all the equipment you need to be able to do your job, a great home office is also an eye-catching and comfortable space that inspires you. After all, you’ll likely spend a significant amount of time each day in your office.
Here are five terrific ways to upgrade your home office to be more stylish, modern, and appealing.
1. Pick a Color Scheme to upgrade your home office
Effective use of color can transform a space from drab to cool and creative in just a few coats of paint. Aim to harmonize rather than clash to prevent distractions. Think fresh and stylish when it comes to luxury home office décor, and experiment with colors like coral, peach, aqua, and emerald green, for example.
Don’t limit colors to just the walls—coordinated colorful accents on furnishings can enhance the overall aesthetics. Think painted panels on drawer fronts, colored shelving, etc.
2. Get Artsy to upgrade your home office
Well-selected art pieces can stimulate creativity and encourage productivity. Pick a few favorite pieces and display them where you’ll see them regularly throughout your working day. You could perhaps consider a feature wall, with various striking artworks displayed, along with photographs and any other ornamentation that helps you feel energized.
Get creative with accessories, too, with organizers, pen holders, and other items that compliment your color scheme. The goal is to have functional items and make your day-to-day life in the office more convenient and look good.
3. Divide the Space to upgrade your home office
Room dividers can be a great way of effectively splitting your space for different purposes. If, for example, you don’t have a dedicated room for your home office but instead use space in your dining room, living room, or other room, dividers can give you a greater sense of being in your workplace upon entering the defined office space.
As well as traditional screens, you can divide your space in several other ways that both look elegant and help you maximize your space. For example, you could use dividing bookshelves or cabinets.
4. Upgrade Your Lighting

Having plenty of lighting not only makes productivity easier, but it’s also much better for your eyes … especially if you’ll be looking at screens all day long. Move your desk closer to the window, if possible, to make the most of the natural light.
Make sure you have enough focused lighting, such as desk lamps and ambient lighting. You can really get creative with your light choices for a beautiful look. From hanging lights to wall lamps, and from desk lamps to floor lamps, there are lights to match your available space and your luxury home office décor aesthetic.
Color-changing lights can be perfect for an office. Research has found that blue shades enhance concentration, while yellow tones increase creativity.
5. Grow Some Plants to upgrade your home office
Add some plants to your home office to create a welcoming and relaxing ambiance. Aim for those that need minimal care to reduce distractions but still thrive indoors. You can use luxury pots that match your design scheme and have fun combining large floor-standing plants with smaller plants for shelves and window ledges.