Your Fall Cleaning Checklist

With the seasons changing(somewhat here in L.A.), it is so essential to have your go to list for keeping you home tidy through the fall. Thats why we’ve put together a checklist of “musts” for your seasonal cleaning. Our simple room by room guide will get you through the cleaning blues and onto more important things like whether its too soon to play holiday music(it is).

The Kitchen

1279 Ozeta Terrace, Los Angeles

Here we are, in the melting pot of the home. This is your domain, your midnight snack store, your morning cup of Joe. With the Kitchen being the center of the home, its easy for it to be the least cleanly. And with fall weather comes natures elements from muddy shoes to California dust. The chilly weather also means your more likely to stay inside for your meals then venture into the brisk outdoors. Being inside more this time of year means you’ll have to be more watchful of tidying up, especially in places food come into contact with. 

Find a few minutes a day after dinner to make your kitchen cleaning a breeze. The three tasks below can be dine in no time and work seamlessly with your evening routine.

  • Clear off and wipe down counters
  • scrub sink
  • sweep floor for crumbs
They may sound obvious but those three task are the most overlooked when it comes to your kitchen space, so show your “la cuisine” some TLC.

The Bathroom

3274 Coldwater Canyon Ave. Studio City, CA

This rooms a given as being an area you want to clean regardless of the time of day or year. Your bathroom is where you refresh and rejuvenate so it should get the same treatment right? One of the things we overlook in this area is the dust buildup, especially in bathrooms that have windows. It is so easy to miss the window sill or areas around the bathroom where dust can pile on. While you there anytime of day, find a few moments to do whats suggested below.

  • Clean off counters
  • Wipe down shower walls while showering
  • wipe out sink
**An extra quick tip for when guest stop by. Put out a new hand towel after each guest and once it has been used you can use it again to wipe down the sink afterwards. Use a little of any type of soap on hand to do a quick scrub and wipe of the toilet bowl and seat and your all set!

The Living Room

603 North Sierra Drive, Beverly Hills

Fall and Winter is the best time of year to cozy up into your living room. Sitting fireside with family under warm blankets and a cup of warm tea sounds idyllic and also like a Martha Stewart Ad. The living room can also be a place where clutter can happen between couch pillows and throw blankets. Family nights can leave behind drink rims and crumbs. Stay on top of the tidiness by the following quick fixes during that commercial break!

  • Do a quick pickup
  • Spot-clean any spills (wipe away and food residue or cup marks, coasters are your best friend!)
  • Straighten pillows (use an ottoman or basket to store your coach pillows and throw)

For after after family time:

  • Wipe those distracting finger prints off with your own solution of distilled white vinegar and distilled water
  • Rid your living room of stale smells by sprinkling baking soda on upholstery with a cheese shaker. Let it sit at least 15 minutes or overnight then vacuum.

The Bedroom

1506 Sorrento Drive, Pacific Palisades

With fall comes time change and with time change comes shorter days and longer nights. As the weather changes we keep our windows open less and our heat on more leading to another area for dust buildup. Keeping your sleeping quarters tidy for when you need to unwind gets to be tideous but it doesn’t have to be. Get into the habit of doing the following:

  • Make your bed as soon as you wake, even if your running out, carving a few minutes into your morning routine to straighten up where you lay your head will be worth it when you come home to clean instead of clutter
  • Launder your sheets once a week. Dust and all other kinds of bedroom buildup can leave your sheets feeling more dingy than relaxing. Be sure to change it up weekly for a fresh feel.
  • Every coupe months rotate your mattress. Thus helps you reset as much as it helps your bed. By rotating your mattress, your allowing the cushion to be adjusted to your fit on any side so your bedtime is always blissful
  • Reduce allergens by dusting ceiling fans as often as possible. You’d find quite a fright if you turn your fan off and see how much dust can buildup there when its not tended to. Additionally while your up there, during fall and winter its wise to flip the switch and have your blades moving clockwise to better circulate heated air.

And your last few household tips are…

1041 N. Hillcrest Road, Beverly Hills

With all your other household tasks it is easy to forget about other areas of your home needing maintenance too. Whether your spending your time during the chilly season indoors or outdoors be mindful of the following:

  • Have your furnace and chimney inspected and cleaned before use
  • Change your furnace filter every month
  • Clean out the gutters after leaves fall

Happy cleaning!